The Influence of Posture and Balance on Voice: A Review A Influência da Postura e do Equilíbrio na Voz: Revisão

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Maria Caçador - Corresponding Author

Av. Dr. Mário Moutinho, Lt 1519, 12º dto. 1400-136 Restelo Lisbon, Portugal

João Paço


The role of posture in vocal performance is recognized for many years. Speech therapists and singing teachers use this knowledge to correct bad postures to improve vocal quality with good results, although most of that knowledge is empirical.

This review evaluates the influence of posture and balance on voice.

Modification in posture secondary to exogenous stimulation can affect voice, while alterations to the voice production mechanism can cause modifications in posture.

Vocal effort results in segmental alterations of posture, accompanied by global postural changes. Dysphonic individuals demonstrate a greater displacement of the centre of gravity forward, which results in postural instability, increasing muscular work to maintain the posture and balance. After vocal rehabilitation, dysphonic patients presented an improvement in posture parameters in static and dynamic posturography.

Posturography evaluation of patients before and after vocal treatment may represent a clinically useful variable in evaluating the efficacy of vocal therapy.

Keywords: Postural Balance; Posture; Voice Quality; Voice Training

Article Details

Caçador M, Paço J. The Influence of Posture and Balance on Voice: A Review: A Influência da Postura e do Equilíbrio na Voz: Revisão. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2018 Jun. 28 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];5(2). Available from:

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