Atypical Suicide Attempt with Jugular Vein Laceration During Adolescence: A Case Report Tentativa de Suicídio Atípica com Laceração da Veia Jugular na Adolescência: A Propósito de um Caso Clínico

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Daniela Cardoso - Corresponding Author

Avenida, R. Dr. Afonso Romão, 3000-602 Coimbra, Portugal

Rita Gonçalves


Self-harm is a common finding during adolescence and skin-cutting a frequent method of non-suicidal self-injury. However, suicide attempts with severe neck cutting injuries are infrequently reported. Here, we report in detail the case of an adolescent with no prior psychiatry history or self-harm behaviours who had a first suicide attempt with complete external jugular vein laceration. Careful psychiatric evaluation and history reveal exposure to significant adverse childhood experiences. Our aim with this case report is to illustrate and discuss the influence of trauma during early childhood and dissociative symptomatology in suicidal behaviour during adolescence.

Keywords: Adolescent; Jugular Veins/injuries; Self-Mutilation; Suicide, Attempted

Article Details

Cardoso D, Gonçalves R. Atypical Suicide Attempt with Jugular Vein Laceration During Adolescence: A Case Report: Tentativa de Suicídio Atípica com Laceração da Veia Jugular na Adolescência: A Propósito de um Caso Clínico. Gaz Med [Internet]. 2020 Mar. 31 [cited 2025 Mar. 31];7(1). Available from: